DC Motor Repair

Complete DC Motor Repair And Replacement For Automotive, Agriculture And Industrial Equipment.

Oklahoma’s #1 DC Motor Repair and Replacement

A DC Motor is any class of rotary electrical motor that converts Direct Current electrical energy into mechanical energy. The motor takes the electrical current, and uses it to power itself. Once the motor has the correct amount of power it will begin to spin and turn the belt, chain, or pump that is connected to the motor. There are four types of motors which are found on numerous applications. Each type of motor has it’s strengths and weaknesses. We highly suggest that you check your owners manual for the motor part number if it is not on the motor befeore bringing it in for repair, or have the application available for us.

DC Magnet

Permanent Magnet

A permanent magnet motor uses a magnet to create a field flux. This type of motor provides great start up torque, but the power is limited. These types of motors are typically found on low horsepower applications.

DC Shunt Motor

Shunt DC Motors

A shunt motor is when the field is connected in parallel with the armature windings. These types of motors offer great speed and can be regulated because the shunt field coil can be excited seperately from the armature windings. This allows for the reversal of the controls.

DC Series Motor

Series Motors

A series DC motor is where the field is wound with a few turns of heavier wire so it can carry the full armature current. A series DC motor typically creates a large amount of torque on start up, but cannot regulate the speed which can cause damage when there is no load against it.

DC Compound Motor

Compound DC Motors

These are similar to the shunt motor, but it has a seperate excited shunt coil. These motors have great start up power but can experience control problems in variable speed applications.

DC Motor Repair

DC Motor Failure

The most common reasons a motor will fail is  due to overpowering the motor and rust. Most dc motors are sealed units, but they still fail from rust. The rust occurs from the condensation within the unit. When motors are run for long periods of time, they get hot. When the heat dissipates it creates condensation within the unit, and over time this condensation will cause the unit to rust.

DC Motor Repair

Motor Repair

When a motor comes into our shop for repair, we first open the unit up and inspect it. It is then disassembled and checked for electrical shorts. The rust is removed, fields are rewrapped if needed, the armature and commutator are cleaned, new brushes and bearings are installed, and the unit is reassembled and tested.

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